Email: mwfy(at)
2023 Fall 高等统计学 Advanced Theory of Statistics (00112640)
2023 Spring 概率统计 (B) (00132380)
2022 Fall 高等统计学 Advanced Theory of Statistics (00112640)
2022 Spring 半参数模型 Semiparametric Model (00112880)
因果推断,观察性研究和 2021 年诺贝尔经济学奖 (Causal inference, observational studies, and the 2021 Nobel Prize in economics)
2021 Spring 高等统计选讲I Selected Topics on Advanced Statistics I (00112230)
2020 Fall R语言与数据可视化 Data analysis and graphics with R (02812710)
2020 Spring 概率统计 Probability and Statistics (02834720)
2019 Fall R语言与数据可视化 Data analysis and graphics with R (02812710)
2019 Spring 概率统计 Probability and Statistics (02834720)
2018 Fall 统计文化和实践 Statistical culture and practice (02839050)
PhD students: Xinyu Li, Yilin Li, Ping Zhang, Naiwen Ying, Yuyang Tang, Changxiao Xie
Master students: Peiyu He, Yujing Gao
Miao, W., P. Ding, and Z. Geng (2016). Identifiability of normal and normal mixture models with nonignorable missing data. Journal of the American Statistical Association 111, 1673–1683
Miao, W. and E. Tchetgen Tchetgen (2016). On varieties of doubly robust estimators under missingness not at random with a shadow variable. Biometrika 103, 475–482
Miao, W., Z. Geng, and E. Tchetgen Tchetgen (2018). Identifying causal effects with proxy variables of an unmeasured confounder. Biometrika 105, 987–993
Miao, W., W. Hu, E. L. Ogburn, and X. Zhou (2023). Identifying effects of multiple treatments in the presence of unmeasured confounding. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 118, 1953–1967 arXiv; Supplement; Codes
Li, X., W. Miao, F. Lu, and X.-H. Zhou (2023). Improving efficiency of inference in clinical trials with external control data. Biometrics, 79, 394–403 arXiv
Li, K. Q., X. Shi, W. Miao, and E. Tchetgen Tchetgen (2023). Double negative control inference in test-negative design studies of vaccine effectiveness. Journal of the American Statistical Association, in press. arXiv
Miao, W., X. Li, P. Zhang, and B. Sun (2022). A stableness of resistance model for nonresponse adjustment with callback. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, in press. arXiv; Slides 该论文在第六届全国统计学博士研究生学术论坛获一等奖,李新宇获奖.
Shi, X., W. Miao, M. Hu, and E. Tchetgen Tchetgen (2022). Theory for identification and Inference with Synthetic Controls: A Proximal Causal Inference Framework. Revision invited by Journal of the American Statistical Association. arXiv
Hu, W., R. Wang, W. Li, and W. Miao (2023). Paradoxes and resolutions for semiparametric fusion of individual and summary data. arXiv
Wang, R., Q. Wang, and W. Miao (2023). Optimal two-phase sampling designs toward a general scalar or multidimensional parameter
Miao, W. (2023). Specificity analysis for causal inference in observational studies
Li, X., K. Li, X. Shi, BL. Sun and W. Miao (2023). Correction for nonignorable nonresponse bias in turnout estimation using callback data
He, P., Y. Li, and W. Miao (2023). Identification and estimation of causal effects with synthetic controls in the presence of interference
Ying, N., S. Luo, and W. Miao (2023). A generalized tetrad constraint for causal discovery with nonparametric models
Zhang, P., R. Wang, and W. Miao (2023). Causal attribution with confidence
Li, K., X. Li, X. Shi, and W. Miao (2023). Nonresponse bias adjustment using callback data under a novel continuum of resistence model
Wang, R. and W. Miao (2024). Extreme-based causal effect learning with endoge- nous exposure and light-tailed error
Li, Y., L. Deng, Y. Wang, and W. Miao (2024). Causal inference for dyadic data with interference