how to use the Edwin 1, if there is no META or EDIT key, Alt is that key. 2, to end the session, C-x C-c. 3, C-v, to the next screen 4, C-g will quit what it was doing and allow you to enter it in again from scratch. 5, C-k kill from the current cursor position to end of line 6, whenever you kill something bigger than a character, Emacs saves it for you. to yank it back, use C-y. 7, C-x C-e to evaluate the expression. 8, you are now in the tutorial screem. Type: C-x b *scheme* to get into an evaluation buffer. Type: M(Alt)-p to access the history of *scheme*. Type: C-x b tutorial to go back to the tutorial screem. 9, undo: C-x u, it undo the last command. 10, File: C-x C-f filename --> enter into the "finding buffer" to find a file. if the file exits, it find the file, if not exits,create a file named filename. C-x C-f C-g --> cancel the "finding buffer" without doing anything. C-x C-s --> Save the file. 11, buffer: C-x C-b: if you find a new file with C-x C-f in the Edwin,the first file remains in the Edwin,Type C-x C-b to find them (it shows a list of all the buffers now in the Edwin). Any text you see in the Edwin, has to be in some buffer. if you have edited a file or something and go to another file without saving the first one, the changes would not save, unless you reback to the first file, and C-x C-s. There is a way to save all the changed file, that is C-x s. the command goes through the list of buffers, and saves every changed buffer. 12, C-x 1 remove the document from the screem. 13, C-s find a word or string, type C-s,and then, type in the word, once, you would find the word, again, you will find the next occurrece of the word you have typed in. type in C-g, you will go back to the first place where you press "C-s". 14, C-x 1 display only one window. 15, C-h ? tell you what kinds of help you can get. 16, C-h c + command: tell you the basic intro to the command. to get more information, use C-h k + command. to get info of a function, use C-h f + function