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2.6.5 Environment Variables for Microsoft Windows

These environment variables are specific to the Microsoft Windows implementation.

MITSCHEME_FONT (default: determined by operating system)
A string specifying a font name and characteristics, for example ‘Courier New 16 bold’. Allowed characteristics are integer, specifying the font size in points, and the following style modifiers: ‘bold’, ‘italic’, ‘regular’, ‘underline’ and ‘strikeout’. You should specify only fixed-width fonts as variable-width fonts are not drawn correctly.

Once in Edwin, the font can be changed with the set-font and set-default-font commands.

MITSCHEME_GEOMETRY (default: ‘-1,-1,-1,-1’)
Four integers separated by commas or spaces that specify the placement and size of the MIT/GNU Scheme window as a left,top,width,height quadruple. The units are screen pixels, and ‘-1’ means allow the system to choose this parameter. E.g. ‘-1,-1,500,300’ places a 500 by 300 pixel window at some system-determined position on the screen. The width and height include the window border and title.
MITSCHEME_FOREGROUND (default: according to desktop color scheme)
A value specifying the window text color. The color is specified as hex blue, green and red values (not RGB): e.g. 0xff0000 for blue.
MITSCHEME_BACKGROUND (default: according to desktop color scheme)
A value specifying the window background color. See MITSCHEME_FOREGROUND.
These variables are used together to indicate the user's home directory. This is the preferred way to specify the home directory.
Specifies the login name of the user running Scheme. This is used for several different purposes. USERNAME is preferred; USER is used if USERNAME is not defined. If neither of these variables is defined, an error is signalled when the username is required.
Specifies a directory that contains the home directories of users. One of the places in which Scheme looks for the user's home directory, by searching for a subdirectory with the user's login name.