Graham !11 Knuth !11 Patashnik !11 CMath !11 induction-- !11 arithmetic progression !11 partitions !12 Hardy !12 Ramanujan !12 Fibonacci sequence !13 golden ratio !13 proofs of algorithms-- !13 Euclid's algorithm extended-- !13 greatest common divisor-- !13 --Euclid's algorithm extended !14 --greatest common divisor !14 flow chart-- !15 assertions+++ !15 algorithms, how to read !16 algorithms, communication of !16 proof of termination-- !16 --proof of termination !17 --proofs of algorithms !17 Henkin !17 Maurolico !17 Fermat !17 Pascal !17 De Morgan !17 P\'olya !17 Floyd !17 Naur !17 invariants !17 Hoare !17 weakest precondition !17 Dijkstra !17 Goldstine !18 von~Neumann !18 Turing !18 Morris !18 Jones !18 --flow chart !18 TURING !18 Ferranti Mark I !18 fallacious reasoning !18 Fibonacci numbers !18 golden ratio !18 prime number !19 Nicomachus !19 Lushbaugh !19 Gardner !19 Conway !19 Guy !19 proof of termination-- !19 Carlitz !96 binomial coefs, sums !96 --generating functions !96 analysis of algorithms-- !96 maximum algorithm-- !96 execution time, methods for studying !96 Kirchhoff's first law !97 left-to-right max or min-- !97 average-- !97 permutations-- !97 probability distribution-- !98 --permutations !98 mean !98 expected !98 --average !98 variance !98 standard deviation !98 Chebyshev's inequality !98 Bienaym\'e !98 generating functions for probabilities-- !99 Stirling numbers-- !99 mean from gf-- !100 variance from gf-- !100 Roes !100 Foster !100 Stuart !100 --Stirling numbers !100 --left-to-right max or min !101 --maximum algorithm !101 coin tossing-- !101 binomial distribution-- !101 --binomial distribution !102 --coin tossing !102 uniform distribution !102 probability generating function !103 characteristic function !103 convolution !103 Iverson's convention !103 --variance from gf !103 --mean from gf !103 semi-invariants !103 semi-invariants-- !103 cumulants-- !103 Thiele !103 Hald !103 normal distribution !104 Chebyshev's inequality !104 tail inequalities !104 Kolmogorov !104 left-to-right max or min-- !104 moment !105 central moment !105 Arbogast !105 normal distribution, approximate-- !105 L\'evy !105 Gnedenko !105 Kolmogorov !105 Chung !105 de Moivre !106 Poisson distribution !106 --normal distribution, approximate !106 --cumulants !106 --semi-invariants !106 mixture !106 inverse permutation !106 maximum norm !106 --left-to-right max or min !106 coin tosses, tail !106 binomial distribution, tail !106 tail inequalities-- !106 negative binomial distribution !107 --analysis of algorithms !107 --probability distribution !107 --generating functions for probabilities !107 --tail inequalities !107 asymptotics-- !107 Bachmann !107 O-notation-- !107 Euler's constant !107 polynomial !108 one-way equalities !108 transitive relation !108 factorial powers-- !109 --factorial powers !110 root !110 Big Omega-- !110 Big Theta !110 Dull !111 fallacious reasoning !111 --Big Omega !111 --O-notation !111 Euler's summation formula-- !111 Euler !111 integration and summation-- !111 integration by parts-- !112 Bernoulli numbers-- !112 Bernoulli !112 Seki !112 Bernoulli polynomial-- !113 --integration by parts !113 Euler's constant !114 harmonic numbers !114 Stirling's approximation-- !115 Stirling !115 Sums of powers !115 Bernoulli !115 Seki !115 --Bernoulli numbers !115 --Bernoulli polynomial !115 Wallis's product !116 gamma function !116 absolute error !116 relative error !116 --Euler's summation formula !116 --integration and summation !116 --Stirling's approximation !116 Taylor's formula with remainder !117 incomplete gamma function-- !117 gamma function-- !117 power series manipulations !118 O-notation !118 --gamma function !119 Euler's summation formula !120 Demuth !120 Knuth !120 Ramanujan !121 Furch !121 Tricomi !121 Temme !121 Gould !121 de Bruijn !121 Odlyzko !121 Tricomi !122 normal distribution !122 --incomplete gamma function !122 Ramanujan !122 de Bruijn !122 Euler's summation formula !123 Miller !123 Watson's lemma !123 KELLER !123 --asymptotics !123 Floyd !20 King !20 induction, generalized !20 well-ordering !20 linear order !20 Lexicographic order !20 --induction !21 --proof of termination !21 number definitions !21 integers !21 rational number !21 real number !21 pi !21 golden ratio !21 complex number !21 real part !21 imaginary part !21 absolute value !21 complex conjugate !21 intervals !21 exponents, laws of !22 root of number !22 power of number !22 Oresme !22 Wallis !22 Newton !22 logarithm-- !22 logarithms, common !23 binary logarithms !23 Reingold !23 natural logarithms !23 Napier !23 compound interest-- !23 --compound interest !24 Cajori !24 computational error-- !24 root of number !25 exponents, laws of !25 rational number !25 Hamming !26 natural logarithms !26 logarithms, common !26 binary logarithms !26 hardware-oriented algorithms !26 Briggs !26 --logarithm !26 Feynman !26 --computational error !26 summation-- !27 index variable !27 dummy variable !27 Fourier !27 infinite series-- !27 divergent !28 convergent !28 distributive law !28 Change of variable !28 Apostol !28 Interchanging order of summation !29 absolutely convergent !29 convergence, absolute !29 --infinite series !29 geometric progression !31 arithmetic progression-- !31 --arithmetic progression !32 Induction !32 bracket notation, for statements-- !32 change of variable-- !32 --change of variable !33 Kronecker !33 Iverson !33 Knuth !33 --bracket notation, for statements !33 sums, multiple-- !33 interchanging order !33 partitions !34 interchange the order of summation !35 Matrix !35 Binet !36 Schwarz !36 Cauchy's inequality !36 --sums, multiple !36 Matrix !36 supremum !37 distributive law !37 determinants-- !37 cofactor !37 inverse of matrix-- !37 Vandermonde matrix-- !37 combinatorial matrix-- !37 Cauchy matrix-- !37 elementary symmetric functions !38 --combinatorial matrix !38 --Vandermonde matrix !38 --inverse of matrix !38 --Cauchy matrix !38 Hilbert matrix !38 Krattenthaler !39 --summation !39 --determinants !39 floor-- !39 ceiling !39 Iverson !39 mod-- !39 remainder !40 quotient !40 --mod !40 fractional part !40 number theory-- !40 modulo !40 congruence-- !40 relatively prime !40 greatest common divisor !40 Fermat's theorem !41 prime number !41 ceiling !41 rounding !41 --floor !41 distributive law !42 inverse modulo $m$ !42 Euclid's algorithm extended !42 Fundamental theorem of arithmetic !42 prime factorization !42 totient function !42 Euler's theorem !42 --congruence !42 multiplicative function-- !42 --multiplicative function !43 interchange order !43 Busche !43 replicative function-- !43 --replicative function !44 Bernoulli polynomials !44 trigonometric functions !44 Hurwitz !44 zeta function !44 psi function !44 summation by parts !44 reciprocity-- !44 prime number !45 Legendre symbol !45 quadratic reciprocity !45 --reciprocity !45 --number theory !45 permutations-- !45 Pratt !45 terminology !45 --permutations !46 factorials-- !46 Stirling-- !47 prime numbers-- !47 Legendre !48 --prime numbers !48 termial !48 Knopp !48 Euler !49 Goldbach !49 Hermite !49 --Stirling !49 Gauss !49 Kramp !49 Legendre !49 gamma function-- !49 factorial related to gamma !49 Hankel !49 factorial powers !50 falling !50 rising !50 Capelli !50 Toscano !50 Davis !50 Euler !50 Dutka !50 cards, playing !51 permutations !51 Stirling's approxi\-mation !51 termial !51 Legendre !51 Wilson's theorem !51 Leibniz !51 prime !51 Stickelberger !51 permanent !51 Wallis's product !52 Wallis !52 Arbogast !52 chain rule !52 Euler !52 factorial powers !52 exponents, law !52 --factorials !52 --gamma function !52 combinations-- !52 binomial coefficients-- !52 --combinations !53 binomial coefs defined !53 Pascal's triangle-- !53 Chu !53 Yang !53 Chia !53 Hal\=ayudha !53 Pi\:ngala !53 Chakra\-varti !53 prosody !54 Mah\=av{\ii }ra !54 Bh\=askara !54 von Ettings\-hausen !54 --Pascal's triangle !54 figurate numbers !54 binomial coefs, table !54 tables of numerical quantities !54 Twain !54 jokes !54 factorials !55 polynomials !55 binomial coefs in sums-- !56 arithmetic progression !56 polynomial !57 binomial theorem-- !57 Newton !57 Oldenburg !57 Struik !57 Euler !57 Gauss !58 infinite sums !58 Abel !58 Crelle !58 Gould !58 --binomial theorem !58 Vandermonde !59 Chu !59 Needham !59 Iverson's convention !61 Kronecker delta !61 partial fractions-- !62 --partial fractions !63 Rothe !63 Gould !63 Kauck\'y !63 inversion problem-- !63 --inversion problem !64 polynomial !64 differences of polynomials !64 Gosper !65 Zeilberger !65 Petkov\v {s}ek !65 Wilf !65 Zeilberger !65 hypergeometric functions !65 Dutka !65 binomial coefs generalized !65 $q$-nomial coefficients !65 multi\-nomial coefficient !65 multinomial theorem !65 Temme !66 Wilf !66 Hwang !66 Stirling numbers-- !66 Stirling numbers table !66 tables of numbers !66 Stirling numbers, asymptotic !66 Moser !66 Wyman !66 Barton !66 David !66 Merrington !66 Temme !66 Wilf !66 Hwang !66 Karamata !66 Knuth !66 Stirling numbers combinatorially !66 factorial powers !67 falling powers !67 polynomials !67 Stirling !67 polynomials !68 duality law !68 Stirling !69 falling powers !69 --Stirling numbers !69 combinations !69 cards, playing !69 primes-- !69 Pascal's triangle !69 Lucas !69 Kummer !70 --primes !70 Chu !70 Vandermonde !70 polynomials !70 binomial theorem generalized !70 rising !71 factorial power !71 Vandermonde !71 Torelli !71 Abel's binomial theorem !71 Stirling numbers-- !71 Pascal's triangle !71 Ramus !71 beta function !72 gamma function !72 binomial coefs generalized !72 binomial coefs, asymptotic !72 partial fraction !72 Abel's binomial formula-- !72 --Abel's binomial formula !73 Pascal's triangle !73 inverse of matrix !73 combinatorial number system !73 Stirling !73 Rothe !73 $q$-nomial theorem !73 $q$-nomial coefficients !73 binomial coefs combinatorially !73 combinations with repetitions !73 --Stirling numbers !74 partitions of set !74 Stirling numbers combinatorially !74 Logan !74 binomial coefficient inequalities !74 binomial coefs, bounds !74 de Moivre !74 --binomial coefficients !74 --binomial coefs in sums !74 harmonic numbers-- !75 psi function !75 divergent series !75 Euler's constant !75 Euler !75 Riemann !76 zeta function !76 Bernoulli number !76 Euler !76 summation by parts-- !76 binomial coefs in sums-- !76 integration by parts !77 Stirling numbers !78 --summation by parts !78 --binomial coefs in sums !78 Waring !78 Selfridge !78 gamma function !79 --harmonic numbers !79 Fibonacci numbers-- !79 Leonardo !79 Pisano !79 Fibonacci-- !79 al-Khw\=arizm\ii !79 Boncompagni !79 --Fibonacci !80 prosody !80 Gop\=ala !80 Hemacandra !80 Singh !80 Kepler !80 phyllotaxis !80 Conway !80 Guy !80 L\'eger !80 Euclid's algorithm !80 Lucas !80 golden ratio !80 extreme and mean ratio !80 Wythoff !80 Coxeter !80 Gardner !80 Markowsky !80 Jacob !81 Schreiber !81 phi !81 Phidias !81 Dickson !81 Kepler !81 Cassini !81 determinant !81 greatest common divisor-- !81 Lucas !81 --greatest common divisor !82 generating functions-- !82 Fibonacci gf-- !82 partial fractions !83 phi-- !83 Bernoulli, Daniel !83 de Moivre !83 linear recurrences !83 --Fibonacci gf !83 rounding !83 Fibonacci !84 prime numbers-- !84 --generating functions !84 Pascal's triangle !85 sum of binomial coefs !85 --prime numbers !85 Fibonomial coefficients !85 Lucas !85 binomial coefs generalized !85 Jarden !85 Motzkin !85 Fibonacci number system !86 phi number system !86 Fibonacci strings !86 strings !86 Gaskell !86 Whinihan !86 game !86 Matiyasevich !86 Klarner !86 --phi !86 --Fibonacci numbers !86 generating functions-- !87 de Moivre !87 recurrences-- !87 Stirling !87 Euler !87 partitions !87 Laplace !87 convergence of power series !87 Bell !87 Niven !87 Henrici !88 linear recurrence !88 geometric progression !88 binomial co\-effi\-cients !89 --recurrences !89 exponential generating function !89 roots of unity !89 Differentiation !90 integration !90 derivative !90 harmonic numbers gf !90 Binomial theorem !90 binomial coefs, gf !90 binomial theorem generalized !90 Stirling numbers, gf !91 logarithm power series !91 Zave !91 Spie\ss !91 Bernoulli numbers !91 bracket notation for coefficients !92 coefficient extraction !92 Cauchy !92 symmetric functions-- !92 partitions !93 P\'olya !93 Wilf !93 WILF !94 partitions gf !94 elementary symmetric function !94 --symmetric functions !94 binomial coefs, gf !94 double generating function !94 Laplace transform !94 combinations with restricted repetitions !95 Gauss !95 Abel's limit theorem !95 MIX-- !124 machine language !124 RISC !124 MMIX !124 System/360 !124 IBM 650 !124 IBM 709 !124 IBM 7070 !124 UNIVAC III !124 UNIVAC SS80 !124 UNIVAC 1107 !124 CDC 1604 !124 Bendix G20 !124 Burroughs B220 !124 Philco S2000 !124 XDS 920 !124 RCA 601 !124 Honeywell H800 !124 PDP-4 !124 Recomp II !124 byte in MIX-- !124 byte !125 --byte in MIX !125 word-- !125 A-register of MIX !125 X-register of MIX !125 J-register of MIX !125 I1-register of MIX !125 index registers !125 GO button !126 overflow toggle !126 comparison indicator !126 memory !126 field, partial-- !126 --word !127 instructions in MIX-- !127 address portion of MIX instruction !127 index register !127 cell !127 CONTENTS !127 instructions in MIX, symbolic !128 --field, partial !128 packed data !128 loading operators of MIX !129 LDA !129 LDX !129 LD1 !129 LDAN !129 LDXN !129 LD1N !129 storing operators of MIX !130 STA !130 STX !130 ST1 !130 STJ !130 STZ !130 arithmetic operators of MIX-- !131 floating point !131 ADD-- !131 sideways addition !131 SUB-- !131 MUL-- !131 DIV-- !131 --MUL !132 --ADD !132 --SUB !132 --DIV !133 --arithmetic operators of MIX !133 ENTA !133 ENTX !133 ENT1 !133 ENNA !133 ENNX !133 ENN1 !133 INCA !133 INCX !133 INC1 !133 DECA !134 DECX !134 DEC1 !134 comparison operators of MIX !134 comparison indicator !134 CMPA !134 CMPX !134 CMP1 !134 jump operators of MIX-- !134 JMP !134 JSJ !134 JOV !134 overflow toggle !134 JNOV !134 JL !135 JE !135 JG !135 JGE !135 JNE !135 JLE !135 JAN !135 JAZ !135 JAP !135 JANN !135 JANZ !135 JANP !135 JXN !135 JXZ !135 JXP !135 JXNN !135 JXNZ !135 JXNP !135 J1N !135 J1Z !135 J1P !135 J1NN !135 J1NZ !135 J1NP !135 --jump operators of MIX !135 shift operators of MIX !135 SRA !135 SLA !135 SLAX !135 SRAX !135 SLC !135 SRC !135 circulating shift !135 MOVE !135 NOP !136 HLT !136 input operators of MIX-- !136 output operators of MIX-- !136 disk-- !136 drum-- !136 magnetic tape-- !136 line printer-- !136 typewriter-- !136 paper tape-- !136 cards, punched-- !136 peripheral devices !136 block-- !136 alphameric codes for MIX !136 IN !137 OUT !137 IOC !137 --block !137 --cards, punched !137 --paper tape !137 --typewriter !137 --line printer !137 --magnetic tape !137 --drum !137 --disk !137 JRED !137 JBUS !137 --output operators of MIX !138 --input operators of MIX !138 NUM !138 conversion operators of MIX !138 alphameric codes of MIX !138 CHAR !138 execution time for MIX instructions-- !138 WORDSWORTH !139 alphameric codes (TABLE 1) !139 MIX instructions, summary (TABLE 1) !139 --execution time (TABLE 1) !139 GO button !139 trits !139 byte in MIX !139 field, partial !139 loading operators of MIX !139 DIV !139 overflow toggle !142 compar\-ison indicator !142 I1-register of MIX !142 JOV !142 JNOV !142 MOVE !142 HLT !143 J-register of MIX !143 field, partial !143 MIX extensions !143 bootstrapping !143 GO button !143 MMIX-- !2 machine language !2 CRAY I !2 IBM 801 !2 RISC II !2 Clipper C300 !2 AMD 29000 !2 Motorola 88000 !2 IBM 601 !2 Intel i960 !2 Alpha 21164 !2 POWER 2 !2 MIPS R4000 !2 Hitachi SuperH4 !2 StrongArm 110 !2 Sparc 64 !2 Roman numerals !2 bits !2 hexadecimal digits !3 byte !3 ASCII !3 ISO: The International Organization for Standardization\sic / !3 Yossarian !3 HELLER !3 Unicode !3 IEC: The International Electrotechnical Commission !3 UCS: Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set !3 Roman numerals !3 wyde !4 tetrabytes !4 octabytes !4 binary number system !4 unsigned integers !4 two's complement notation !4 signed integers !4 registers !4 memory+ !4 Big-endian convention-- !4 special registers !5 instructions in MMIX-- !5 opcode !5 operands !5 notation s(x) !6 \s (x) !6 integer overflow !6 overflow !6 loading operators of MMIX+ !6 memory address !6 notation u(x) !6 \u (x) !6 LDB !6 LDW !6 LDT !6 LDO !6 signed integers+ !6 unsigned integers++ !6 sign extension !7 extending the sign bit !7 LDBU !7 LDWU !7 LDTU !7 LDOU !7 LDHT !7 LDA !7 STB !7 STW !7 STT !7 STO !7 storing operators of MMIX+ !7 Overflow !7 --Big-endian convention !7 STBU !8 STWU !8 STTU !8 STOU !8 STHT !8 STCO !8 arithmetic operators of MMIX+ !8 addition !8 subtraction !8 multiplication !8 ADD !8 SUB !8 MUL !8 DIV !8 remainder register !8 rR !8 divide check !8 ADDU !8 SUBU !8 MULU !8 DIVU !8 himult register !8 rH !8 binary radix point !8 phi !8 Division !9 dividend register !9 rD !9 2ADDU !9 4ADDU !9 8ADDU !9 16ADDU !9 multiplication by small constants !9 small constants !9 NEG !9 NEGU !9 negation !9 SL !9 SLU !9 SR !9 SRU !9 shift operators of MMIX !9 extending the sign bit !9 sign extension !9 notation $\ll $ !9 notation $\gg $ !9 CMP !9 CMPU !9 comparison operators of MMIX !9 conditional operators of MMIX !10 CSN !10 CSZ !10 CSP !10 CSOD !10 CSNN !10 CSNZ !10 CSNP !10 CSEV !10 ZSN !10 zero or set !10 ZSZ !10 ZSP !10 ZSOD !10 ZSNN !10 ZSNZ !10 ZSNP !10 ZSEV !10 bitwise operators of MMIX !10 bit vectors !10 vector !10 AND !10 OR !10 XOR !10 ANDN !10 ORN !10 NAND !10 NOR !10 NXOR !10 complement !10 notation v(x) !10 notation vbar(x) !10 notation $\band $ !10 notation $\bor $ !10 notation $\oplus $ !10 MUX !11 multiplex mask register !11 rM !11 SADD !11 sideways add !11 counting bits !11 population counting !11 BDIF !11 byte difference !11 WDIF !11 wyde difference !11 TDIF !11 tetra difference !11 ODIF !11 octa difference !11 saturating subtraction !11 notation dotminus !11 notation b(x) !11 notation w(x) !11 notation t(x) !11 graphics !11 pixel values !11 Boolean matrix !11 notation m(x) !11 generalized matrix product !11 Iverson !11 associative !11 MOR !12 MXOR !12 byte reversal !12 reversal !12 floating point operators of MMIX+ !12 IEEE: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers !12 ANSI: The American National Standards Institute !12 floating binary number !12 notation f(x) !12 exponent !12 fraction !12 sign of floating point number !12 NaN (Not-a-Number) !12 short float+ !12 FADD !12 addition !12 FSUB !12 subtraction !12 FMUL !12 multiplication !12 FDIV !12 division !12 FREM !12 remainder !12 FSQRT !13 square root !13 FINT !13 FCMP !13 comparison !13 FEQL !13 FUN !13 FCMPE !13 rE !13 epsilon register !13 FEQLE !13 FUNE !13 FIX !13 conversion operators of MMIX !13 FIXU !13 FLOT !13 FLOTU !13 SFLOT !13 SFLOTU !13 LDSF !13 STSF !13 ROUND\_OFF !13 ROUND\_UP !13 ROUND\_DOWN !13 ROUND\_NEAR !13 ceiling !13 notation rem !13 notation int !13 minus zero !13 immediate constants+ !13 small constant numbers !13 NEG !14 wyde immediate !14 SETH !14 SETMH !14 SETML !14 SETL !14 INCH !14 addition !14 INCMH !14 INCML !14 INCL !14 ORH !14 bitwise or !14 bitwise operations !14 ORMH !14 ORML !14 ORL !14 ANDNH !14 bitwise and-not !14 bitwise difference !14 ANDNMH !14 ANDNML !14 ANDNL !14 SET !14 jump operators of MMIX !15 @ !15 JMP !15 RA !15 relative addresses-- !15 GO !15 absolute address !15 BN !15 BZ !15 BP !15 BOD !15 BNN !15 BNZ !15 BNP !15 BEV !15 branch operators of MMIX !15 PBN !15 probable branch+ !15 PBZ !15 PBP !15 PBOD !15 PBNN !15 PBNZ !16 PBNP !16 PBEV !16 hints+ !16 register stack !16 PUSHJ !16 PUSHGO !16 stack operators of MMIX !16 --relative addresses !16 return-jump register !16 rJ !16 rG !16 global threshold register !16 global registers !16 rL !16 local threshold register !16 local registers !16 marginal registers !16 POP !16 SAVE !16 UNSAVE !16 register stack !16 register stack offset !17 rO !17 register stack pointer !17 rS !17 system operators of MMIX !17 LDUNC !17 cache memory !17 STUNC !17 PRELD !17 PREST !17 PREGO !17 prefetching !17 SYNCID !17 SYNCD !17 SYNC !17 CSWAP !17 rP !17 prediction register !17 atomic !17 LDVTS !17 virtual address translation !17 interrupts+ !18 trip handler !18 trap handler !18 divide check !18 overflow !18 invalid floating operation !18 overflow !18 under\-flow !18 division by zero !18 inexact !18 arithmetic status register !18 rA !18 excep\-tions !18 event bits !18 DVWIOUZX !18 enable bits !18 rounding mode !18 TRIP !18 bootstrap register !18 rB !18 where-interrupted register !18 rW !18 execution register !18 rX !18 Y operand register !18 rY !18 Z operand register !18 rZ !18 TRAP+ !18 rBB !18 rWW !18 rXX !18 rYY !18 rZZ !18 trap address register !18 rT !18 input/output operations !18 end of program !19 termination !19 halt !19 exit from program !19 interrupt mask register !19 rK !19 interrupt request register !19 rQ !19 Dynamic traps !19 rTT !19 RESUME !19 ropcode !19 hexadecimal notation !19 opcodes+ !19 immediate constant !19 GET !19 PUT !19 special registers of MMIX !19 clock register !19 cycle counter !19 rC !19 failure register !19 rF !19 interval counter !19 rI !19 serial number register !19 rN !19 usage counter !20 rU !20 virtual translation register !20 rV !20 opcode chart !20 running time-- !20 GETA !20 relative address !20 special registers !21 SWYM !21 no-op !21 pipelined !22 prefetching !22 notation $\mu $ !22 notation $\upsilon $ !22 upsilon !22 oops !22 mems !22 probable branch !22 cache memory+ !22 meta-simulator+ !22 MMIX simulator+ !22 --running time !23 KERNIGHAN !23 VAN WYK !23 FINT !23 FREM !23 MOR !23 MXOR !23 registers !23 WORDSWORTH !24 RISC !24 hexadecimal !24 half-bytes !24 nybbles !24 bytes !24 kilobyte !24 megabyte !24 \s (x) !24 \u (x) !24 negating !24 two's complement notation !24 LDHT !24 STHT !24 binary radix point !24 DIV+ !24 division+ !24 overflow !25 carry !25 addition !25 subtraction !25 multiplication !25 signed integers !25 MULU !25 division by small constants !25 multiplication by small constants !25 SL !25 SLU !25 SR !25 SRU !25 Dull !25 comparison operators of MMIX !25 subset representation !25 bitwise operations !25 set intersection !25 set union !25 set difference !25 bit difference !26 BDIF !26 maximum !26 minimum !26 pixel !26 absolute value !26 saturating addition !26 ASCII !26 blank spaces !26 string manipulation !26 parity !26 generalized matrix product !26 cyclic shift !26 ASCII !26 Unicode !26 MOR !26 bit reversal !26 reversal !26 Finite fields !26 MXOR !26 conditional operators of MMIX !26 probable branch !26 GO !26 absolute value !27 tetrabytes, arithmetic on !27 overflow !27 DVWIOUZX !27 Fuchs !27 instruction, numeric form++ !27 loading routine !144 --MIX !144 --instructions in MIX !144 MIXAL-- !144 assembly language for MIX-- !144 instruction in MIX, symbolic !144 maximum algorithm/program !145 location field of MIXAL line !145 opcode field of MIXAL line !145 address field of MIXAL line !145 assembly program !145 comments !145 profile !145 EQU !146 ORIG !146 pseudo-operations !146 asterisk !146 prime numbers, algorithm to compute-- !147 buffer swapping !147 --prime numbers, program to compute !149 asterisk !149 comment !149 EQU !149 CON-- !149 constants in assembly language !150 literal constant !150 --CON !150 local symbols-- !150 Conway !151 --local symbols !151 UNIVAC~I !151 address field of MIXAL line-- !151 ALF !151 ORIG !151 END !151 prime program !152 cards, punched !152 location field of MIXAL line !152 ALF !152 --address field of MIXAL line !153 assembly program !153 defined symbol !153 future reference !153 asterisk !153 W-value-- !154 --W-value !155 location counter !155 opcode field of MIXAL line !155 EQU !155 ORIG !155 CON !155 ALF !155 END !156 Literal constants !156 future reference !156 equivalent of MIXAL symbol !156 future reference restrictions !156 PL/MIX !156 JBUS !157 local symbols !157 --MIXAL !157 --assembly language for MIX !157 switching tables !158 multiway decisions !158 index registers !158 matrix representation-- !158 sequential arrays-- !158 packed data !158 fixed point arithmetic !158 subroutines !158 buffering of I/O !158 row major order !159 --sequential arrays !159 --matrix representation !159 saddle point !159 English letter frequencies !159 buffer swapping !159 Lilius !159 Clavius !159 Easter-- !159 calendar !160 --Easter !160 harmonic series-- !160 rounding !160 --harmonic series !161 Farey series !161 rational numbers !161 traffic signals-- !161 --traffic signals !162 magic square !162 Ibn al-Haytham !162 Ball !162 Coxeter !162 Josephus problem !162 Ahrens !162 graphical display !163 crossword puzzle !163 no-op !28 rH !28 rA !28 rL !28 exponentiation !28 evaluation of powers !28 self-modifying code !28 SYNCID !28 NNIX !28 RANDOLPH !28 WILSON !28 --MMIX !28 --instructions in MMIX !28 MMIXAL-- !28 assembly language for MMIX-- !28 instruction in MMIX, symbolic !28 maximum algorithm/program+ !28 label field of MMIXAL line !29 opcode field of MMIXAL line !29 expression field of MMIXAL line !29 assembly program !29 comments !29 profile !29 IS !30 LOC !30 pseudo-operations !30 relative addresses !30 subroutine !30 complete MMIX program !30 Hello, world++ !30 MMIX simulator !30 object file+ !30 mms !30 mmo !30 NNIX !31 profile !31 Main !31 \$0 !31 command line arguments !31 \$1 !31 string !31 input-output !31 standard output !31 terminate a program !31 BYTE !31 pseudo-operation !31 double-quote !31 string constant !31 ASCII !32 newline !32 prime numbers, program to compute-- !32 ASCII !34 --prime numbers, program to compute !34 Comments !34 IS !34 register number !34 global register !34 \$255 !34 GREG+ !34 base addresses !35 @ !35 local symbols++ !35 Conway !35 UNIVAC~I !35 user space !36 kernel space !36 operating system !36 text segment !36 data segment !36 pool segment !36 stack segment !36 read-only !36 loader !36 binary-to-decimal conversion !37 prime program !37 underscore !37 Unicode !37 decimal constant !37 hexadecimal constant !37 character constant !37 ASCII !37 string constant !37 double-quote !37 defined symbol !37 future reference !37 forward reference, see future reference !37 predefined symbols+ !37 equivalent of MMIXAL symbol !38 primary !38 @ !38 term !38 expression !38 strong binary operators !38 weak binary operators !38 LABEL field of MMIXAL line !38 OP field of MMIXAL line !38 EXPR field of MMIXAL line !38 aligned !39 IS !39 GREG !39 base address !39 LOC !39 BYTE !39 WYDE !39 TETRA !39 OCTA !39 future references !39 blank space !40 comment !40 input-output-- !40 \$255-- !40 TRAP !40 Fopen !41 handle !41 binary file !41 text file !41 standard input file !41 standard output file !41 standard error file !41 Fclose !41 Fread !42 Fgets !42 Fgetws !42 wide strings !42 newline !42 Fwrite !42 Fputs !42 Fputws !42 Fseek !42 rewind !42 Ftell !43 predefined !43 Fopen !43 Fclose !43 Fread !43 Fgets !43 Fgetws !43 Fwrite !43 Fputs !43 Fputws !43 Fseek !43 Ftell !43 TextRead !43 TextWrite !43 BinaryRead !43 BinaryWrite !43 BinaryReadWrite !43 Halt !43 --input-output !43 --\$255 !43 local symbols !43 Fread !43 Fwrite !43 double-quote !44 Quick !44 align !44 Unicode !44 Arabic numerals !44 ASCII !44 Arabic script !44 bidirectional !44 floating point arithmetic !44 FREM !44 --MMIXAL !44 --assembly language for MMIX !44 C !45 Java !45 Wirth !45 PL/360 !45 PL/MMIX !45 System/360 !45 literate programming !45 Knuth !45 switching tables !45 multiway decisions !45 fixed point arithmetic !45 floating point arithmetic !45 subroutines !45 complete MMIX program !45 privileged !46 valid !46 multiway decisions !46 switching table !46 table-driven computation !46 matrix representation !46 sequential arrays !46 row major order !46 saddle point !46 Farey series !47 rational numbers !47 optimization of loops !47 meta-simulator !47 string manipulation !47 pipeline simulator !47 copying a string !47 cryptanalysis !47 optimization of loops !47 meta-simulator !47 pipeline !47 Fibonacci !47 rounding !47 phi !47 magic square+ !47 Ibn al-Haytham !48 Ball !48 Coxeter !48 Josephus problem !48 Ahrens !48 harmonic convergence !48 harmonic series-- !48 rounding !48 --harmonic series !49 Lilius !49 Clavius !49 Easter !49 calendar !49 remainder !49 division !49 traffic signals !50 graphical display+ !50 crossword puzzle+ !50 permutations-- !164 two-line notation !164 cycle notation-- !164 cycles in perms-- !164 singleton cycles !164 identity permutation !164 () !164 permutation in place !165 multiplication of permutations-- !165 commutative !165 --multiplication of permutations !167 --cycle notation !167 --cycles in perms !167 analysis of algorithms-- !170 execution time, methods for finding-- !170 profile !170 Kirchhoff's first law-- !170 conservative law !170 --Kirchhoff's first law !171 singleton cycle !171 --execution time, methods for finding !172 --analysis of algorithms !172 cycle notation-- !172 multiplication of permutations-- !172 --multiplication of permutations !173 --cycle notation !175 symbol table algorithms !175 inverse of perm-- !175 identity permutation !175 cycles in perms-- !176 Huang !176 Boothroyd !177 --cycles in perms !178 --inverse of perm !178 unusual correspondence-- !178 canonical cycle notation-- !178 --canonical cycle notation !179 left-to-right minimum !179 --unusual correspondence !179 analysis of algorithms !179 cycles in random permutation-- !179 Stirling numbers combinatorially !179 singleton cycles-- !180 derangements !180 Stirling !181 probability generating function !181 inclusion and exclusion !181 --singleton cycles !181 de Moivre !182 Todhunter !182 Whitworth !182 exchange !182 cycles in perms-- !182 two-line notation !182 inverse of permutation !182 cycle notation !182 Transposing a rectangular matrix !182 row major order !182 derangements !183 rounding !183 Shepp !183 Lloyd !183 Golomb !184 Shepp !184 Lloyd !184 --cycles in random permutation !184 --cycles in perms !184 inclusion and exclusion !184 totient function !184 Kaplansky !184 Josephus !184 orthogonal vectors of permutations !184 permutations, orthogonal vectors of !184 permutation in place-- !185 transposing blocks-- !185 --transposing blocks !185 --permutation in place !185 strings !185 --permutations !185 subroutines-- !186 subroutine linkage !186 J-register of MIX !186 maximum algorithm/program !186 entrances to subroutines-- !186 exits from subroutines-- !186 MMIX !187 self-modifying code !187 STJ !187 JMP !187 parameters !187 calling sequence-- !187 arguments !187 saving and restoring registers !188 multiple entrances !189 JSJ !189 J-register of MIX !189 arguments of subroutines !189 parameters of subroutines !189 System/360 !189 multiple exits !190 --calling sequence !190 recursive use of subroutines !191 --entrances to subroutines !191 --exits from subroutines !191 large programs-- !191 program construction-- !191 Dijkstra !191 Wirth !191 temporary storage !191 debugging-- !192 trace routine !192 reachability !51 METAPOST !51 \MMIX masters !51 subroutines-- !52 subroutine linkage-- !52 library !52 maximum algorithm/program-- !52 entrances to subroutines-- !52 exits from subroutines-- !52 PUSHJ !53 POP !53 GO-- !53 parameters !54 calling sequence-- !54 arguments !54 saving and restoring registers !55 \$255 !56 multiple entrances !56 multiple exits+ !56 --maximum algorithm/program !56 --calling sequence !56 recursive use of subroutines !57 --entrances to subroutines !57 --exits from subroutines !57 memory stack+ !57 stack pointer+ !57 stack !57 data segment !57 leaf subroutine !57 frame pointer !58 --GO !58 register stack-- !58 register stack !58 local registers !58 rL !58 \$0 !58 \$1 !58 global registers !58 rG !58 marginal !58 PUSHJ !59 POP !59 multiple exits !60 rJ !60 calling sequence !60 nonleaf subroutines+ !60 scalar !61 stack segment !61 SAVE !61 UNSAVE !61 --subroutine linkage !61 --register stack !61 MMIXAL+ !61 PREFIX+ !61 structured symbols+ !61 library !61 current prefix !61 LOCAL !62 GREG !62 BSPEC !62 ESPEC !62 compilers !62 library !62 large programs-- !63 program construction-- !63 Dijkstra !63 Wirth !63 programming languages !63 PL/MMIX !63 rewrites !64 debugging-- !64 trace routine !64 Knuth !65 literate programming !65 TeX !65 --debugging !65 --program construction !65 --large programs !65 TURING !65 ACE !65 leaf subroutine !65 PUSHGO !65 marginal registers !65 trip interrupt !65 overflow !65 handler !65 local registers !65 global registers !65 register stack+ !65 current prefix !65 PREFIX !65 Knuth !193 literate programming !193 TeX !193 --debugging !193 --program construction !193 --large programs !193 TURING !193 ACE !193 calling sequence !193 MOVE !193 self-modifying code !193 coroutines-- !193 chess !194 coroutine linkage !194 calling sequence-- !196 --calling sequence !197 --subroutines !197 saving and restoring registers !198 multipass algorithms-- !198 pass-- !198 UNIX !198 pipe !198 filters !198 memory hierarchy !199 Fibonacci number !66 recursive !66 Nonlocal\/ {\ninebfi goto} statements !66 coroutines-- !66 chess !66 coroutine linkage !66 whitespace character !67 character constant !67 subroutine !68 calling sequence-- !68 \$255 !68 --calling sequence !70 Initialization !70 starting a program !70 --subroutines !70 register stack !70 multipass algorithms-- !70 pass-- !70 UNIX !71 pipe !71 filters !71 memory hierarchy !72 joke !72 threads !72 replicated coroutines !72 --pass !72 --multipass algorithms !72 TETRA !72 double-quote !72 coroutine linkage+ !72 joke !200 --pass !200 --multipass algorithms !200 coroutine linkage !200 --coroutines !200 interpreter-- !200 virtual machine !201 debugging !201 Knuth !201 multipass program-- !201 --multipass program !202 ALGOL !202 Randell !202 Russell !202 compiler algorithms !202 Evans !202 Fuchs !202 TeX !202 Knuth !202 Rokicki !202 Adobe Systems !202 PostScript !202 subroutines !202 --interpreter !202 simulation of computers-- !202 emulator !202 reprogramming !203 MIX simulator-- !203 discrete system simulators !203 --simulation of computers !203 switching table-- !205 --switching table !206 subroutines-- !206 field, partial !207 --subroutines !207 arithmetic operators of MIX !208 ADD !208 SUB !208 MUL !208 DIV !208 overflow toggle !208 loading operators of MIX !208 LDA !208 LDX !208 LDAN !208 LDXN !208 LD1 !208 LD1N !208 storing operators of MIX !209 STA !209 STX !209 ST1 !209 STJ !209 STZ !209 jump operators of MIX !209 JMP !209 JOV !209 JNOV !209 JLE !209 JGE !209 JNE !209 JL !209 JE !209 JG !209 switching table !209 JSJ !210 JAN !210 JAZ !210 JAP !210 JANN !210 JANZ !210 JANP !210 JXN !210 JXZ !210 JXP !210 JXNN !210 JXNZ !210 JXNP !210 J1N !210 J1Z !210 J1P !210 J1NN !210 J1NZ !210 J1NP !210 switching table !210 ENTA !210 ENNA !210 INCA !210 DECA !210 ENTX !210 ENNX !210 INCX !210 DECX !210 ENT1 !210 ENN1 !210 INC1 !210 DEC1 !210 comparison operators of MIX-- !210 CMPA-- !210 CMPX-- !210 CMP1-- !210 comparison indicator !211 --comparison operators of MIX !211 --CMPA !211 --CMPX !211 --CMP1 !211 subroutines !211 shift operators of MIX !211 MOVE !211 GO button !211 JBUS !212 --MIX simulator !212 simulation of self-- !212 trace routine-- !212 J-register of MIX-- !212 monitor !212 saving and restoring registers !213 comparison indicator !213 PUSH !73 POP !73 register stack !73 --coroutines !73 interpreter-- !73 virtual machine !73 debugging !73 Knuth !74 multipass program !74 ALGOL !74 Randell !74 Russell !74 compiler algorithms !74 Evans !74 Fuchs !74 TeX+ !74 Knuth !74 Rokicki !74 Adobe Systems !74 PostScript !74 subroutines !75 --interpreter !75 simulation of computers-- !75 emulator !75 reprogramming !75 MMIX simulator in MMIX-- !75 discrete system simulators !76 --simulation of computers !76 Pipeline processing !76 meta-simulator !76 privileged instructions !76 clock !76 data segment+ !76 local register ring !76 text segment !77 subroutines-- !77 MemFind subroutine+ !77 chunks !77 linked allocation+ !77 self-organizing !77 PREFIX+ !77 register stack-- !78 local register ring++ !79 stack pointer !79 rS !79 stack offset !79 rO !79 rL !79 global registers !79 global !80 local !80 marginal !80 colon !80 prefix !80 rJ !80 leaf subroutines !80 rJ !81 --subroutines !81 --register stack !81 @ !81 text segment !81 data segment !81 packed data !82 unpacking !82 table-driven programs !82 Flag bits !82 relative address !83 operands+ !83 register stack !84 marginal !84 local !84 global !84 RESUME !84 overflow !84 enable bits !85 event bits !85 rH !85 multiplication !85 branch !85 probable branch !85 PUSHJ+ !85 PUSHGO+ !85 register stack+ !85 SYNC !86 switching table+ !86 multiway switching+ !86 jump table+ !86 TRAP+ !86 packed data+ !87 table-driven computation+ !87 flags !87 arithmetic exceptions !89 label !89 IEEE standard !89 floating point arithmetic !89 underflow !89 inexact exception !89 trip handler !89 DVWIOUZX !89 denormal !89 command line !90 binary file !90 UNSAVE !90 library !91 Main !91 initialization !91 starting a program !91 rK !91 rT !91 rTT !91 rV !91 error recovery !91 debugging !91 MemFind !91 nonlocal goto !91 division !91 CSWAP !91 GET !92 PUT !92 POP !92 rL !92 rG !92 SAVE !92 local registers !92 global registers !92 UNSAVE !92 trip interrupts !92 RESUME !92 ropcode !92 DVWIOUZX !92 Fputs !92 Fopen !92 Fread !92 local register ring !92 subroutines !92 binary files+ !92 --MMIX simulator in MMIX !93 jump trace !93 trace routine !93 profiling !93 self-modification !93 overflow toggle !214 omphaloskepsis !214 jump trace !214 profiling !214 --J-register of MIX !214 --trace routine !214 --simulation of self !214 input-- !215 output-- !215 MMIX !215 dictionaries of English !215 I/O !215 reading !215 writing !215 data !215 IN-- !215 input operators of MIX-- !215 JBUS !216 busy waiting !216 --input operators of MIX !216 --IN !216 anticipated input !216 end of file !216 buffering-- !216 Webster's New World Dictionary !216 critical path time !217 buffer swapping-- !217 sentinel !218 --buffer swapping !218 blocking of records !218 circle of buffers-- !218 assigning a buffer-- !219 releasing a buffer-- !219 coroutines-- !222 JRED-- !222 coroutine linkage !223 --JRED !223 --coroutines !223 --releasing a buffer !223 --assigning a buffer !223 pooled buffers !224 channel !224 forecasting !224 OUT !225 buffer swapping !225 blocking of records !225 assigning a buffer-- !226 releasing a buffer-- !226 --releasing a buffer !227 --assigning a buffer !227 end of file !227 --circle of buffers !227 pooled buffers !227 MIX extensions !228 interrupt !228 overflow toggle !228 comparison indicator !228 saving and restoring registers !228 clock for real time !228 INT !228 latency !228 rotating memory !228 disk input, buffered !228 --output !228 --input !228 --buffering !228 subroutine history-- !229 Babbage !229 Analytical Engine !229 Morrison !229 Hopper !229 trigonometric functions !229 Mark I calculator !229 open subroutines !229 Jacquard !229 cards, punched !229 paper tapes !229 subroutine linkage !229 Goldstine !229 von Neumann !229 parameters !229 Turing !229 Carpenter !229 Doran !229 Wilkes !229 Wheeler !229 Gill !229 Conway !229 coroutine history !229 Erdwinn !229 Merner !229 UNIVAC I !229 Dahl !229 ALGOL !229 SIMULA I !229 Nygaard !229 Dahl !230 Dijkstra !230 Hoare !230 interpretive routine !230 Turing machine !230 automata theory !230 Mauchly !230 Moore School !230 Whirlwind I !230 Adams !230 Illiac~I !230 Wheeler !230 Turing !230 Pilot ACE !230 Bennett !230 Prinz !230 Woods !230 Office of Naval Research !230 Backus !230 IBM 701 !230 Speedcoding !230 IBM 650 !230 Wolontis !230 Bell Interpretive System !230 IPL !230 Newell !230 Shaw !230 Simon !230 tracing !230 Gill !230 Wilkes !230 Wheeler !230 --subroutine history !230 Meek !230 IBM 705 !230 System/360 !230 McKeeman !230 Horning !230 Wortman !230 Satterthwaite !231 buffering history-- !231 UNIVAC I !231 --buffering history !231 DYSEAC !231 Leiner !231 Mock !231 Swift !231 Dijkstra !231 Loopstra !231 Scholten !231 X-1 !231 paper tape !231 typewriter !231 semaphores !231 Genuys !231 Ferguson !231 FORTRAN !231 circles of buffers !231 GOLDSTINE !231 VON NEUMANN !231