from SStack import * class ESStack(SStack): def depth(self): return len(self.elems) ############################################# ######## Paretheses checker ################# def check_pares(text): pares = "()[]{}" open_pares = "([{" opposite = {")":"(", "]":"[", "}":"{"} def paretheses(text): i, text_len = 0, len(text) while True: while i < text_len and text[i] not in pares: i += 1 if i >= text_len: return yield text[i], i i += 1 st = SStack() for pr, i in paretheses(text): if pr in open_pares: # push open pares into stack st.push(pr) elif st.pop() != opposite[pr]: print("Unmatching is found at", i, "for", pr) return False print("All paretheses are correctly matched.") return True ################################################ ####### Suffix expression evaluator ############ def suffix_exp_evaluator(line): return suf_exp_evaluator(line.split()) def suf_exp_evaluator(exp): """exp is a list of items representing a suffix expression. This function evaluates it and return its value. """ operators = "+-*/" st = ESStack() for x in exp: if not x in operators: st.push(float(x)) continue if st.depth() < 2: raise SyntaxError("Short of operand(s).") a = st.pop() # second argument b = st.pop() # first argument if x == "+": c = b + a elif x == "-": c = b - a elif x == "*": c = b * a elif x == "/": if a == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError c = b / a else: pass # This branch is not possible st.push(c) if st.depth() == 1: return st.pop() raise SyntaxError("Extra operand(s).") # end suf_exp_evaluator def suffix_exp_calculator(): """Repeatly ask for expression input until an 'end'.""" while True: try: line = input("Suffix Expression: ") if line == "end": return res = suffix_exp_evaluator(line) print(res) except Exception as ex: print("Error:", type(ex), ex.args) def suffix_demo(): print(suffix_exp_evaluator("1")) print(suffix_exp_evaluator("1 2 +")) print(suffix_exp_evaluator("1 3 + 2 *")) print(suffix_exp_evaluator("1 3 + 2 5 - *")) ##################################################### ##### Transform infix expression to suffix expression priority = {"(":1, "+":3, "-":3, "*":5, "/":5} infix_operators = "+-*/()" def tokens(line): """ This function cannot deal with signed numbers, nor unary operators. """ i, llen = 0, len(line) while i < llen: while line[i].isspace(): i += 1 if i >= llen: break if line[i] in infix_operators: yield line[i] i += 1 continue j = i + 1 while (j < llen and not line[j].isspace() and line[j] not in infix_operators): if ((line[j] == 'e' or line[j] == 'E') and j+1 < llen and line[j+1] == '-'): j += 1 j += 1 yield line[i:j] i = j def trans_infix_suffix(line): st = SStack() llen = len(line) exp = [] for x in tokens(line): if x not in infix_operators: exp.append(x) elif st.is_empty() or x == '(': st.push(x) elif x == ')': while not st.is_empty() and != "(": exp.append(st.pop()) if st.is_empty(): raise SyntaxError("Missing \'(\'.") st.pop() # discard left parethesis else: # consider all ops left-associative while (not st.is_empty() and priority[] >= priority[x]): exp.append(st.pop()) st.push(x) while not st.is_empty(): if == "(": raise SyntaxError("Extra \'(\' in expression.") exp.append(st.pop()) return exp def test_trans_infix_suffix(s): print(s) print(trans_infix_suffix(s)) print("Value:", suf_exp_evaluator(trans_infix_suffix(s))) def demo_trans(): test_trans_infix_suffix("1.25") test_trans_infix_suffix("1 + 2") test_trans_infix_suffix("1 + 2 - 3") test_trans_infix_suffix("1 + 2 * 3") test_trans_infix_suffix("7. / 2 * 3") test_trans_infix_suffix("7.e-2/2*3") test_trans_infix_suffix("(1 + 2) * 3") test_trans_infix_suffix("1 + 2 * 3 - 5") test_trans_infix_suffix("13 + 2 * (3 - 5)") test_trans_infix_suffix("(1 + 2) * (3 - 5)") test_trans_infix_suffix("(1 + (2 * 3 - 5)) / .25") if __name__ == "__main__": ## check_pares("") ## check_pares("()") ## check_pares("([]{})") ## check_pares("([]{}]") ## check_pares("(abbvbb[hhh]jhg{lkii288}9000)000fhjsh") ## check_pares("jkdsjckd(mfkk[fdjjfk],,,{kckjfc}jskdjkc]kkk") ## suffix_exp_calculator() pass