Distinguished Lecture——Douady's plan for researching areas of Julia sets of complex dynamical systems
报告人:乔建永 (北京邮电大学)
时间:2024-12-02 14:30-15:30
Abstract: We consider the area problem on Julia sets of complex dynamical systems. Firstly, we introduce the concepts of periodic cycle and Bryuno number in the theory of complex dynamics, also formulate Douady's Plan for researching the area problem. Buff and Chéritat's theorem is one of the important results in this plan, and the BC-conjecture is an open problem for a long-time posed by Buff and Chéritat. In the last, we give an outline of the proof of BC-conjecture by Jianyong Qiao & Hongyu Qu.
Bio: Prof. Jianyong Qiao earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in pure Mathematics from Shandong University in 1988 and Fudan University in 1994, respectively. He is now the director of mathematics and information network key laboratory of the Ministry of Education (BUPT). A chief scientist of Shenzhen national center for applied mathematics.A distinguished professor of deep state key laboratory of rock and underground engineering (Beijing). A honorary professor of Queen Mary university in London. A executive editorial board of Mathematics Annual in China.
He has long been engaged in complex analysis and complex dynamic system, mathematical mining geology, and communication engineering. Related achievements have been recognized as "CSIAM Applied Mathematics Achievements" by the Chinese Society of Industry and Applied Mathematics, won the first prize of Natural Science of the Ministry of Education, and the ICGdR Scientific Achievement Award of the International Association for Geological Disaster and Disaster Reduction.