Mathematics web sites

Mathematics web sites around the world  Page contains many mathematical link
The Mathematical Atlas a gateway to modern Mathematics. This contains a useful general introduction to Geometry & Topology-This is a collection of short articles designed to provide an introduction to the areas of modern mathematics and pointers to further information, as well as answers to some common (or not!) questions

Topology Atlas

A MULTIPURPOSE CENTER FOR ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION OF INFORMATION RELATED TO TOPOLOGY-intends to be a complete historical and living portrait of the entire topological community, its endeavors (past and present), and its accomplishments.
Hopf Topology Archive! This site is maintained by Clarence Wilkerson. It is accessible by both anonymous FTP and HTTP. In case of problems please email Clarence Wilkerson at "". The DVI files contained here have been contributed directly by the authors. These files are intended for the direct personal academic use of the mathematical community. Mirroring or reposting elsewhere requires explicit permission of the authors and/or copyright holders. All material on this site not contributed by others is copyrighted by Clarence Wilkerson and is intended for the personal use of its viewers. This copyright includes the html files, scripts, indices, and photos. Any other use is prohibited. All transfers are logged.

Links to websites related to algebraic topology

Include books, jounals, Mathematical tables, Research groups  and Other sites.
Dynamical Systems Homepage  

Institute for Mathematical Sciences
SUNY at Stony Brook

LORIA (La)TeX Navigator (links to lots of TeX documentation).

Many information and Link to the Tex resourses

Links to low-dimensional topology  

British Topology Home Page

This site is intended to act as a convenient source of pointers to Topology-related sites, including archives and conference announcements. It is not intended to be part of a British archive as such, but pointers to useful sites will be included to form a `nonlocalised' archive. Although intended mainly for British and general European use, it will include references to other parts of the world. To have items included, either email them to me or (preferably) send addresses of existing web documents. Conference notices and other items with a finite lifetime will normally be removed when the advertised events have occurred.

Categories List

Some resources related to Catergory thoery
The Bordism Project A few of the goals of this project are:
  1. To assemble the sparse and terse literature on the subject into something readable. This has recently been done by someone else, Yuli B. Rudyak in his book On Thom Spectra, Orientabbility, and Cobordism. Consequently the direction of the notes will follow the remaining goals.
  2. To show the connections between homotopy, bordism and homology.
  3. To develop the line of thought that "homology is singular bordism of oriented simplicial complexes," into something solid and useful from a learning perspective in singular homology.

ATLAS of Finite Group Representations

This ATLAS contains representations of many finite simple groups and related groups such as covering groups and automorphism groups of simple groups.
A Bibliography of Literature on Knots and Braids  
The Mathematics Genealogy Project constructing a family tree of mathematicians


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