library(lattice) library(MASS) myDir <- '/Users/dlambert/CN' # Plot of the log-odds function. p <- seq(-10, 10, length = 500) logOddsp <- plogis(p) png(file = paste(myDir, 'Figures/logodds.png', sep = '/'), height = 300, width = 300) xyplot(logOddsp ~ p, xlab = 'LOG-ODDS(P)', ylab = 'P', panel = function(x, y, ...) { panel.grid(h=-1, v=-1) panel.lines(x, y, lwd = 1.5, col = 'red') }) # Plot of logit link vs probit link. png(file = paste(myDir,'nlQ.png', sep ='/'), w=300, h=300) x <- seq(1e-6, 1-1e-6, len =1000) y1 <- qlogis(x) y2 <- qnorm(x) xyplot(y1 ~ y2, type = 'l', xlab = 'NORMAL QUANTILES', ylab = 'LOGISTIC QUANTILES', panel = function(x, y, ...) { panel.grid(h=-1, v=-1) panel.lines(x, y,lwd = 2.5) z <- lm(y ~ x, subset = (x > -2 & x < 2)) panel.abline(z$coef, col = 'dark green', lwd = 1.2) }) # Read in the data wells <- read.csv(paste(myDir, 'Labs/wells.csv', sep = '/')) myDir <- paste(myDir, 'Figures', sep = '/') # Create the arsenic maps. wells$arsenicLevel <- cut(wells$arsenic, c(0, 10, 50, 1e3), include.lowest = TRUE) # All 3 levels of arsenic on one plot. png(file = paste(myDir, 'arsenicMap.png', sep = '/'), height = 600, width = 600) xyplot(y ~ x, groups = arsenicLevel, data = wells, col = c('blue3', 'forest green', 'magenta3'), pch = 16, cex = c(.65, .55, .4)) # Different levels of arsenic separated. png(file = paste(myDir, 'arsenicMap3.png', sep = '/'), height = 600, width = 350) xyplot(y ~ x | arsenicLevel, groups = arsenicLevel, data = wells, col = c('blue3', 'forest green', 'magenta3'), cex = .25, layout = c(1,3)) #blue, magenta, green histogram(~log(arsenic), data = wells) histogram(~log(distance), data = wells) # Assume people won't walk more than 10 km. wells$walkDistance <- pmin(wells$distance/1000, 10) zArDist <- glm(switch ~ walkDistance + log(arsenic), data = wells, subset = unsafe, family = binomial) calibrationPlot <- function(z, nCuts=10, alpha = .05) { # z is the output from a glm. fitted <- z$fitted.values fitBreaks <- quantile(fitted, seq(0, nCuts)/nCuts) fitCut <- cut(fitted, fitBreaks, include.lowest = TRUE) expCut <- sapply(split(fitted, fitCut), mean) obsCut <- sapply(split(z$y, fitCut), mean) nCut <- table(fitCut) obsSE <- sqrt(expCut * (1-expCut)/nCut) p <- xyplot(obsCut ~ expCut, xlab = 'PREDICTED FRACTION', ylab = 'OBSERVED FRACTION', panel = function(x, y, ...) { panel.grid(h=-1, v=-1) panel.abline(0,1, col = gray(.6)) qa <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2) panel.segments(expCut, expCut-qa*obsSE, expCut, expCut+qa*obsSE, col = gray(.7)) panel.points(x, y, pch=16, cex = 1.25) }) return(p) } # Example calibration plot. png(file = paste(myDir, 'calib1.png', sep = '/'), width = 300, height = 300) p1 <- calibrationPlot(zArDist, nCuts = 50, alpha = .05) print(p1) # Plot of the predictions as a function of arsenic level # for given values of distance. newArs <- seq(50, 750, length = 200) newWalkDist <- c(.5, 1, 2, 5, 8, 10) myX <- data.frame(arsenic = rep(newArs, each = length(newWalkDist)), walkDistance = rep(newWalkDist, length(newArs))) newPred <- predict(zArDist, newdata = myX, type = 'response') distFact <- factor(myX$walkDistance) png(file = paste(myDir, 'pred2.png', sep = '/'), height = 500, width = 500) xyplot(newPred ~ myX$arsenic, groups = distFact, type = 'l', lwd = 1.5, xlab = 'ARSENIC', ylab = 'PREDICTED', sub = list( 'lines represent different distances to a safe well', cex = 1.5), auto.key = list(text = paste(levels(distFact), 'km'), lines = TRUE, points = FALSE, cex = 1.5, lwd = 6, columns = 3), panel = function(x, y, groups, ...) { panel.grid(h=-1, v=-1) panel.xyplot(x, y, groups, ...) }) # Uncertainty in predictions as a function of arsenic for # distance = .5 km and distance = nKM nsim <- 30 npoints <- 1000 bCov <- summary(zArDist)$cov.scaled bNew <- mvrnorm(nsim, zArDist$coef, bCov) newArsenic <- seq(50, 700, length = npoints) nKM <- 1 xNew1 <- cbind(1, nKM, log(newArsenic)) muPred1 <- plogis(xNew1 %*% array(zArDist$coef, c(3,1))) # Get a matrix where each column is 100 points on the # probability curve for one of the simulated models. muNew1 <- plogis(xNew1 %*% t(bNew)) p1 <- xyplot(c(muNew1) ~ rep(newArsenic, nsim), groups = factor(rep(seq(nsim), each = npoints)), pch = 16, cex = .1, type = 'l', col = gray(.7), ylim = c(.35, .95), ylab = 'PROBABILITY', xlab = 'ARSENIC', main = paste(nKM, 'km to NEAREST SAFE WELL'), panel = function(x, y, groups, ...){ panel.grid(h=-1, v=-1) panel.xyplot(x, y, groups, ...) panel.lines(newArsenic, muPred1, col = 'red', lwd = 1.5) }) png(file = paste(myDir, 'uncerLog.png', sep = '/'), width = 300, height = 600) plot(p1, more = TRUE, position = c(0, 0, 1, .5)) plot(p5, position = c(0, .5, 1, 1))