library(lattice) library(MASS) # If you quit R without saving the data, you'll have to # read it in again. # Regress sleep on log(body weight). z1 <- lm(sleep ~ log(body), data = sleep) # Simulate to evaluate the uncertainty in the regression # function b0 + b1 * X # First get covariance matrix of regression coefficients # for sleep vs log(body). z1Summary <- summary(z1) z1Correlation <- z1Summary$sigma^2 * z1Summary$cov.unscaled # Simulate 30 regression lines from the approximate # distrib of the coefficients. simEstimates <- mvrnorm(30, z1$coefficients, z1Correlation) # Plot the simulated regression lines. png(file = '/Users/dlambert/CN/Figures/sleepBodyRegSim.png', width = 350, height = 350) xyplot(sleep ~ log(body), data = sleep, xlab = 'LOG(BODY WEIGHT)', ylab = 'SLEEP', panel = function(x, y, ...) { panel.grid() panel.xyplot(x, y, cex = 1.25, pch = 16) for (i in 1:nrow(simEstimates)) { panel.abline(simEstimates[i, ], col = gray(.9)) } panel.abline(z1$coefficients, col = 'red', lwd = 1.5) } ) # Plotting y vs more than one predictor. png(file = '/Users/dlambert/CN/Figures/sleepBodyDanger.png', width = 850, height = 250) xyplot(sleep ~ log(body) | factor(danger), data = sleep, pch = 16, cex = 1.25, xlab = 'LOG(BODY)', ylab = 'SLEEP', main = 'SLEEP VS Log(BODY) As A Function Of DANGER', layout = c(5, 1), panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) { panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1) panel.xyplot(x, y, ...) }) # Adding the original regression line in each plot. png(file = '/Users/dlambert/CN/Figures/sleepBodyDangerNoInt.png', width = 850, height = 250) xyplot(sleep ~ log(body) | factor(danger), data = sleep, pch = 16, cex = 1.25, xlab = 'LOG(BODY)', ylab = 'SLEEP', main = 'Regression of Sleep on Log Body and Danger', layout = c(5, 1), panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) { panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1) panel.xyplot(x, y, ...) panel.abline(z2$coef[1] + z2$coef[3] * sleep$danger[subscripts][1], z2$coef[2]) }) # Adding the original regression line and interaction # lines in each panel. png(file = '/Users/dlambert/CN/Figures/sleepBodyDangerInt.png', width = 850, height = 250) xyplot(sleep ~ log(body) | factor(danger), data = sleep, pch = 16, cex = 1.25, xlab = 'LOG(BODY)', ylab = 'SLEEP', main = 'Regression of Sleep on Log Body and Danger', layout = c(5, 1), panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) { panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1) panel.xyplot(x, y, ...) panel.abline(z2$coef[1] + z2$coef[3] * sleep$danger[subscripts][1], z2$coef[2]) panel.lmline(x, y, col = 'magenta') }) # Show the uncertainty when there are more predictors. nsim <- 30 z2 <- lm(sleep ~ log(body) + danger, data = sleep) z2Summary <- summary(z2) z2Correlation <- z2Summary$sigma^2 * z2Summary$cov.unscaled sim2Estimates <- mvrnorm(nsim, z2$coefficients, z2Correlation) png(file = '/Users/dlambert/CN/Figures/sleepBodyDangerUncertainty.png', width = 850, height = 250) xyplot(sleep ~ log(body) | factor(danger), data = sleep, pch = 16, cex = 1.25, xlab = 'LOG(BODY)', ylab = 'SLEEP', main = 'Regression of Sleep on Log Body and Danger', layout = c(5, 1), panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) { panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1) panel.xyplot(x, y, ...) for (i in 1:nsim) { panel.abline(sim2Estimates[i, 1] + sim2Estimates[i, 3] * sleep$danger[subscripts][1], sim2Estimates[i, 2], col = gray(.9)) } panel.abline(z2$coef[1] + z2$coef[3] * sleep$danger[subscripts][1], z2$coef[2], col =2, lwd = 1.5) }) # Danger is nonparametric; additive effect on sleep. sleep$dangerFactor <- factor(sleep$danger) z2Nonp <- lm(sleep ~ log(body) + dangerFactor, data = sleep) summary(z2Nonp) z2Intercepts <- z2Nonp$coefficients[1] + c(0, z2Nonp$coefficients[3:6]) png(file = '/Users/dlambert/CN/Figures/sleepBodyFactorDanger.png', width = 850, height = 250) xyplot(sleep ~ log(body) | factor(danger), data = sleep, pch = 16, cex = 1.25, xlab = 'LOG(BODY)', ylab = 'SLEEP', layout = c(5, 1), panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) { panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1) panel.xyplot(x, y, ...) panel.abline(z2Intercepts[panel.number()], z2$coefficients[2], lwd = 1.25) }) # Nonparametric danger; interaction effect with log(body). z2NonpInt <- lm(sleep ~ log(body) * dangerFactor, data = sleep) coefs <- summary(z2NonpInt)$coefficients round(coefs, 2) z2Intercepts <- z2Nonp$coefficients[1] + c(0, z2Nonp$coefficients[3:6]) png(file = '/Users/dlambert/CN/Figures/sleepBodyFactorDangerInt.png', width = 850, height = 250) xyplot(sleep ~ log(body) | dangerFactor, data = sleep, pch = 16, cex = 1.25, xlab = 'LOG(BODY)', ylab = 'SLEEP', layout = c(5, 1), panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) { panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1) panel.xyplot(x, y, ...) panel.lmline(x,y, ...) }) install.packages('leaps') library(leaps)