Section 17. Style 17.1: What's the best style for code layout in C? A: K&R, while providing the example most often copied, also supply a good excuse for disregarding it: The position of braces is less important, although people hold passionate beliefs. We have chosen one of several popular styles. Pick a style that suits you, then use it consistently. It is more important that the layout chosen be consistent (with itself, and with nearby or common code) than that it be "perfect." If your coding environment (i.e. local custom or company policy) does not suggest a style, and you don't feel like inventing your own, just copy K&R. (The tradeoffs between various indenting and brace placement options can be exhaustively and minutely examined, but don't warrant repetition here. See also the Indian Hill Style Guide.) The elusive quality of "good style" involves much more than mere code layout details; don't spend time on formatting to the exclusion of more substantive code quality issues. See also question 10.6. References: K&R1 Sec. 1.2 p. 10; K&R2 Sec. 1.2 p. 10. 17.3: Here's a neat trick for checking whether two strings are equal: if(!strcmp(s1, s2)) Is this good style? A: It is not particularly good style, although it is a popular idiom. The test succeeds if the two strings are equal, but the use of ! ("not") suggests that it tests for inequality. Another option is to use a macro: #define Streq(s1, s2) (strcmp((s1), (s2)) == 0) See also question 17.10. 17.4: Why do some people write if(0 == x) instead of if(x == 0)? A: It's a trick to guard against the common error of writing if(x = 0) If you're in the habit of writing the constant before the ==, the compiler will complain if you accidentally type if(0 = x) Evidently it can be easier for some people to remember to reverse the test than to remember to type the doubled = sign. (Of course, the trick only helps when comparing to a constant.) References: H&S Sec. 7.6.5 pp. 209-10. 17.5: I came across some code that puts a (void) cast before each call to printf(). Why? A: printf() does return a value, though few programs bother to check the return values from each call. Since some compilers (and lint) will warn about discarded return values, an explicit cast to (void) is a way of saying "Yes, I've decided to ignore the return value from this call, but please continue to warn me about other (perhaps inadvertently) ignored return values." It's also common to use void casts on calls to strcpy() and strcat(), since the return value is never surprising. References: K&R2 Sec. A6.7 p. 199; Rationale Sec. 3.3.4; H&S Sec. 6.2.9 p. 172, Sec. 7.13 pp. 229-30. 17.8: What is "Hungarian Notation"? Is it worthwhile? A: Hungarian Notation is a naming convention, invented by Charles Simonyi, which encodes information about a variable's type (and perhaps its intended use) in its name. It is well-loved in some circles and roundly castigated in others. Its chief advantage is that it makes a variable's type or intended use obvious from its name; its chief disadvantage is that type information is not necessarily a worthwhile thing to carry around in the name of a variable. References: Simonyi and Heller, "The Hungarian Revolution" . 17.9: Where can I get the "Indian Hill Style Guide" and other coding standards? A: Various documents are available for anonymous ftp from: Site: File or directory: pub/cstyle.tar.Z (the updated Indian Hill guide) doc/programming (including Henry Spencer's "10 Commandments for C Programmers") pub/style-guide You may also be interested in the books _The Elements of Programming Style_, _Plum Hall Programming Guidelines_, and _C Style: Standards and Guidelines_; see the Bibliography. See also question 18.9. 17.10: Some people say that goto's are evil and that I should never use them. Isn't that a bit extreme? A: Programming style, like writing style, is somewhat of an art and cannot be codified by inflexible rules, although discussions about style often seem to center exclusively around such rules. In the case of the goto statement, it has long been observed that unfettered use of goto's quickly leads to unmaintainable spaghetti code. However, a simple, unthinking ban on the goto statement does not necessarily lead immediately to beautiful programming: an unstructured programmer is just as capable of constructing a Byzantine tangle without using any goto's (perhaps substituting oddly-nested loops and Boolean control variables, instead). Most observations or "rules" about programming style usually work better as guidelines than rules, and work much better if programmers understand what the guidelines are trying to accomplish. Blindly avoiding certain constructs or following rules without understanding them can lead to just as many problems as the rules were supposed to avert. Furthermore, many opinions on programming style are just that: opinions. It's usually futile to get dragged into "style wars," because on certain issues (such as those referred to in questions 9.2, 5.3, 5.9, and 10.7), opponents can never seem to agree, or agree to disagree, or stop arguing.